Iconic Poncho

MAX&MOI's iconic cashmere poncho sweater for women is renewed for Spring-Summer. It comes hooded in an exclusive fantasy knit that's as light as it is refined, in an openwork and fringed version for a very hippie-chic look, or enhanced with suede details in an ultra-contemporary couture spirit. The poncho is hotter than... Read more

E24 : Ponchos iconiques
Iconic Poncho

MAX&MOI's iconic cashmere poncho sweater for women is renewed for Spring-Summer. It comes hooded in an exclusive fantasy knit that's as light as it is refined, in an openwork and fringed version for a very hippie-chic look, or enhanced with suede details in an ultra-contemporary couture spirit. The poncho is hotter than ever!

How to wear a poncho?

For a romantic, bohemian look with a long, sweeping silhouette, a romantic-boho floral dress is the perfect match for a refined, cozy knit poncho. For a comfortable, elegant daytime look, layer the poncho over a pretty linen top or summer cashmere knit, and match with silk pants - another MAX&MOI signature fabric - with revisited cargo pockets.
In an Americana spirit, we opt for a fringed poncho in openwork knit with a crocheted effect, worn with flare jeans or flared suede pants. And for a glam-rock look, pair our cashmere poncho with a stretch leather Perlegging. Easy to match, this trend-breaking sweater for women can be worn with (almost) anything, effortlessly upgrading any look.

Casual elegance and comfort

At the crossroads between a women's cashmere cardigan, a loose sweater, an XXL scarf, a wool coat and a knotted cape, this Seventies-influenced women's wardrobe essential, with its resolutely casual look, drapes elegantly and adds a touch of ease to your wardrobe.

The poncho, a timeless must-have

Inspired by ethnic styling and infused with the mythical Californian fashion of the '70s, the poncho is a must-have for women's dressing. Spring and autumn alike, we eagerly bring out this essential every time the weather turns cooler.
MAX&MOI presents this iconic piece in a vast collection of models and colors, renewed with each new collection. A complete collection of luxurious sweaters and cardigans for women, combining cashmere essentials with more cutting-edge pieces in creative knits, in classic shades such as white, grey, camel and black, or in more intense colors adapted to each collection.

The poncho sublimates the House's artisanal expertise

Carefully crafted from exceptional warm, natural materials, in 100% cashmere or wool and cashmere, the MAX&MOI women's poncho embodies the House's exacting know-how. This artisanal savoir-faire is reflected in the choice of yarns, carefully selected from the finest natural fibers, the cutting techniques and the development of exclusive points.